
  SEO Made Simple: A Step-by-Step Guide for 2021 Guess how many blog posts people publish each day. Any ideas? Well, WordPress users alone  publish over 2 million posts every day . That comes out to 24 blog posts every second. That means that users published around 216 blog posts while you were reading these five sentences. And that’s only counting WordPress users. If we were to count all blog posts, that number would surely be higher. This makes it kind of tough to stand out. But you have to if you want to make your blog a successful one. While I often spend 4-5 hours writing my blog posts, the ten minutes I spend optimizing each post are easily the most important. No wonder millions of people Google the term “SEO” each month. On any given day, people  conduct more than 2.2 million searches . And that’s just on Google — to say nothing of the other search engines. Therefore, showing up on the front page of Google can be the deciding factor between a business that’s thriving and one tha